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Outsourcing as a Mompreneur

As a Mompreneur - I realized I had a huge problem.

I noticed that I was struggling to offer the kind of quality service that I pride myself on.

Some days ARE just harder than others (doctor's appointments, client meetings and calls...deadline after deadline)

I needed to fix this situation for myself and fast.

I realized that many of my colleagues although they were VAs and Social Media Managers had

their own Social Media Managers and VAs. I struggled with that concept a lot.

It was so hard to delegate various tasks within my business.

I'm just used to doing things myself if I want them done a certain way.

I had to learn to, "let go" so to speak.

One of the ways I learned how to do so was by outsourcing various pieces of my business

and automating other areas wherever possible. I created a small team of my own!

So, for example, although I love creating my own content, when I had a heavier client load -I discovered

I had no time to post it and of course no time to review my own analytics.

So, I outsourced that function of my own business and gained a few things back.

Time, piece of mind and you guessed it...more clients!

Easy, peezy - right?

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